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In the CEC, we aim to understand how we make sense of the world around us. We investigate the development of social cognition and emotion understanding in infancy and childhood by assessing infants' emotion attributions, false-belief understanding, imitation/emulation, and false-emotion attributions using a multi-method approach, which includes non-verbal measures, behavioral paradigms, violation-of-expectation paradigms, and eye-tracking. We also investigate the role of context in emotion perception, especially as it pertains to how facial expressions of emotion are categorized and visually processed. Potential applicants are encouraged to have taken Research Methods and Statistics. Prior research experience is encouraged, but not required.

New RAs can receive course credit (SFL 403R and Psych 430R). Experienced RAs (previously employed at the CEC) can apply to receive pay.

RA Tasks:

  • Running experimental paradigms (e.g., consent documents, displaying stimuli)
  • Participant recruitment
  • Participating as an actor in a paradigm (e.g., modeling actions and displaying facial expressions)
  • Coding
  • Creating stimuli
  • Manuscript preparation

Faculty Director: Dr. Peter Reschke

To apply contact Dr. Peter Reschke (peter_reschke@byu.edu) or fill out an application on the CEC website