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SFL Internship Grants

Current undergraduate students who are declared majors in the School of Family Life (SFL) may apply for an internship grant. Individual grants are available each academic semester (Fall, Winter, and Spring-Summer) 2024-2025. These are competitive awards based on financial need, the quality of the internship, and the degree to which the internship helps support the applicant’s academic and career goals. Applicants must be in good academic and Honor Code standing with the university at the time of application to be considered for a grant. Students involved in field study experiences that are part of research in collaboration with or under the direction of a member of the faculty are not eligible for an internship grant. Students who have previously received an internship grant from the School of Family Life, or from the Fulton or Hinckley chairs may apply for an additional grant. However, these applicants are less likely to be funded. will only be considered for a reduced award and may not be funded at all.

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester 2024 – October 1 by 12 Midnight
Winter Semester 2025 – March 1 by Midnight
Spring/Summer 2025 – June 1 by 12 Midnight

Grant Criteria

1. You must be a declared SFL major. SFL minors will not be considered.

2. You must have been accepted for an internship before a grant can be awarded. However, you can apply for the grant while waiting for confirmation you have received the position from the internship provider.

3. The SFL internship coordinator must endorse the internship (see internship coordinator evaluation paragraph below), certifying that it will qualify for internship credit from your major department. Applications without this endorsement will not be considered.

4. You must register for internship credit from SFL 399R during the period of the internship.

5. You must be in good Honor Code and academic standing at the time you apply for the grant and during the internship.

6. You must complete the required report (see below) after completing the internship.

Internship Coordinator Evaluation

You must meet with the SFL internship coordinator before completing the online internship application. The internship coordinator will evaluate the quality of the internship and how the internship will contribute to your career and academic goals. Grant applications without the internship coordinator's evaluation/endorsement will not be considered.

Applying for the Grant

This is a competitive application with limited funds; not everyone who applies will receive an award. Thus, it is very important for you to make a case in your application for how your internship and financial need fit the criteria stated in the first paragraph above. All fields in the online form must be completed. Incomplete, missing or inaccurate information may cause your application to be rejected. Poorly written statements will also keep your application from serious consideration. Be certain to proofread your application, and make sure you have obtained approval from the SFL intern coordinator about the internship and the grant before submitting the application. Otherwise, your application will not be considered.

To submit a grant application for a Fall 2024 internship click here:

To submit a grant application for a Winter 2025 internship click here:

To submit a grant application for a Spring/Summer 2025 internship click here:

Receiving an Internship Grant

Approximately a month after the application deadline you will receive an email from the SFL Office notifying you whether or not you have received an award. If you receive one, the funds will be credited to your University account during the semester in which you begin the internship. You must complete the internship designated on your application and be enrolled for internship course credit during the period of the internship.

If your plans change or you do not receive the internship, immediately contact the main SFL office at