Family Law
Family Medicine Professional
Recommended SFL Emphasis: Family Studies
Recommended elective courses:
SFL Courses:
- SFL 489 Family and Public Policy
- SFL 461 Family and the Law
- SFL 399R Academic Internship
- SFL 403R Research Practicum Adolescent Development
- SFL 318 Adolescent Development
- SFL 335 Family Adaptation and Resilience
- SFL 351 Socialization Across Childhood
Other Courses:
- PL SC 110 American Government and Politics
- PL SC 150 Comparative Government and Politics
- PL SC 202 Western Political Heritage
- SOC 112 Current Social Problems
- SOC 322 Class Inequality
You may want to visit the Pre-Law Advisement Center website:
MS required? No. Law school is generally a 3-year program of graduate studies that yields a Juris Doctorate, or JD degree.
Ph.D. required? JD required, not Ph.D.
Recommended SFL Emphasis: Human Development
Recommended elective courses:
SFL Courses:
- SFL 331 Infant Development
- SFL 333 Adolescent Development
- SFL 334 Adult Development & Aging
- SFL 335 Family Adaptation and Resilience
- SFL 352 Cognitive Development
- SFL 355 Language Development
- SFL 449 Biological Foundations of Human Development
Other Courses:
- HLTH 100 Introdcution to Publich Health
You may want to visit the Pre-Med Advisement Center website:
MD degree is required to practice family medicine.