Marriage and Family Therapy/ Intervention Pre-Professional Skip to main content

Marriage and Family Therapy/ Intervention Pre-Professional

Note: Counseling positions require a masters degree in marriage and family therapy, clinical social work, professional counseling, mental health counseling, etc.

Things you can do in MFT/ Intervention:

Therapy in mental health centers, hospitals, university counseling centers, employee assistance programs, in-patient, and outpatient treatment centers for psychiatric disorders and addictions, wilderness therapy programs, private agency counseling centers, private practice.

Recommended SFL Emphasis: Family Studies or Human Development

Recommended elective courses:

SFL Courses:

  • SFL 333 Adolescent Development
  • SFL 334 Adult Development & Aging
  • SFL 335 Family Adaptation and Resilience
  • SFL 330 Pre-MFT Professional Seminar
  • SFL 465 Survey of Marriage and Family Enrichment/Therapy Approaches

Other Courses:

  • PSYH 220 Human Development over the Life Span
  • PSYH 342 Abnormal Psychology
  • HLTH 436 Sexuality Education
  • ENG 315 Writing in the Social Sciences

MS required? Yes. A masters degree in MFT or some other clinical program is needed in all states.

Ph.D. required? No. A doctoral degree in MFT or some other clinical program is not needed in any state. However, a Ph.D. allows for deeper training and specialization that may be valuable in some clinical work.

Alumni Spotlight: Ben Oviatt Weinheimer (Youth Outpatient Therapist)

Outpatient Therapist

Alumni Spotlight: KayLee Dunn (Mental Health Therapist)

Mental Health Therapist

Alumni Spotlight: Cari Mitchell (Marriage and Family Therapist)

Marriage and Family Therapist

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