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MORE: Minority-Oriented Research Evaluation

MORE: Minority-Oriented Research Evaluation is a cross-disciplinary content analysis project examining the social sciences literature and its attention to racial/ethnic/cultural minorities. Student researchers will categorize and code journal articles based on topic, level of minority focus, methodology and sample characteristics. Recruiting RA's for credit now and recruiting RA's for pay later.

Involved students will benefit in terms of:

  • greater familiarity with PsycINFO (digital database for social science research),
  • increased ability to dissect and understand the structure of journal articles,
  • insight into the larger breadth of social science research topics (clinical and non-clinical)
  • an awareness of the relative under-supply of research focused on racial/ethnic/cultural minorities.
  • Bean will also provide orientation to the application process for graduate school (especially clinical programs), and what admissions committees look for in students.

RAs can participate in the project by enrolling in SFL 403R/PSYCH 430R with Dr. Bean (offered F/W/Spring). Students are then eligible to be considered for paid RA positions.

RA Tasks:

  • Reviewing and qualitatively coding journal articles
  • Working in partnerships for better accuracy/reliability in coding
  • Participate in weekly quality control meetings
  • Verify accuracy of data previously collected
  • Developing research posters/presentations

Faculty Director: Dr. Roy Bean
