The overarching goal of this project is to understand how couples change during couple therapy. We use couples’ responses to questionnaires that are administered throughout therapy as part of the Marriage and Family Therapy Process Research Network and/or video recordings from sessions of therapy to examine processes of interest. Each year we examine a different aspect of the change process. This opportunity is particularly useful for students interested in pursuing graduate training as a marriage and family therapist.
Potential applicants are encouraged, but not required, to have taken Research Methods and Statistics.
RA Tasks:
- Commit to a Fall and Winter series of SFL 403R with Dr. Anderson
- Learn an observational coding system
- Code video recordings of couple therapy using the coding system you learned
- Transcribe sessions of therapy
- Assist with literature reviews on assigned topics
Note that tasks vary each year. For information about this year’s tasks contact the faculty director.
Faculty Director: Dr. Shayne Anderson
To Apply: Contact Dr. Anderson (shayne_anderson@byu.edu)