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The Family Finance Project

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Dr. LeBaron-Black is looking for students who are excited about family finance research and enjoy writing to join her research team! She is primarily recruiting students to write articles for her website--check it out at You would "translate" the research findings from long, complicated papers into jargon-free, easy-to-apply articles for non-academics.

Most of the articles focus on how money impacts wellbeing and relationships. Specifically, Dr. LB studies two main topics:

1) How parent financial socialization is associated with success in emerging adulthood (including financial, relational, and mental health outcomes)

2) How couple financial management is associated with relational success (including materialism, spenders vs tightwads, stress & bonadaptation, power & feminism, financial giving, and joint vs separate bank accounts)

In addition to writing content for the website, opportunities are also available for student-led research projects on these topics (including statistical analysis and writing and presenting research), especially for those who have taken Research Methods, Statistics, and Writing and/or have prior research experience.

RAs may receive course credit (SFL 403R) or can apply to receive pay. For more information or to apply, contact Dr. Ashley LeBaron-Black (