This is an ongoing project. New research assistants will be recruited yearly.
The Festivals Project seeks to survey and observe parents, adolescents, and children to better understand how parents teach their children about racial and economic inequality using questionnaires and observation techniques. To reach a broader population, the Festivals Project will set up booths at several festivals in Salt Lake and Utah county to survey children and parents from a variety of racial/ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, including some Spanish-speaking families.

- Previous experience working with children and families
- Cultural competence
- Punctuality (students may travel together to research sites and all team members need to arrive on time)
- Communication skills (e.g., responding promptly to contact from research team leaders, communicating respectfully with other team members)
- Organization skills
- Availability to work several 4-8 hour shifts on weekends during Spring/Summer terms
- Spanish language skills
- Courses: Human Development (SFL 210) and Research Methods (SFL 290)
- Previous research experience
This is a paid research assistant position. This is an especially good research experience for students’ first experience participating in research. Exceptional student research assistants on this project may be considered for other research positions in the future.
Students will participate in the Fall SFL 403R Research Practicum course offered by Dr. Ashley Fraser and Dr. Andrea Kinghorn Busby. This is an especially good research experience for students’ first experience participating in research. Exceptional student research assistants on this project may be considered for other research positions in the future.
RA Tasks:
- Recruit study participants at festivals
- Run research tasks with families (e.g., consent participants, administer surveys to parents and adolescents)
Faculty Directors: Dr. Ashley Fraser and Dr. Andrea Kinghorn Busby
For more information, contact: byufestivalsproject@gmail.com
Apply here: https://forms.gle/H7GiJNbjfK436LTY8
After applying, students may be contacted for an interview. Ensure that you provide a valid email address and that you are responsive to communication from the Festivals Project team. Students selected to participate will receive an add code for the 403R course.