Need-Based Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial support to students facing significant financial needs, which are not common to the typical student. These needs should be of such a nature or degree that they’re unable to be met through typical means such as student employment, other scholarships or reasonable amounts of student aid. An important part of your application is demonstrating the existence of this significant financial need and helping us understand both its nature and why it cannot be met through other means.
See below for examples of circumstances that may or may not qualify as significant financial need. Please understand, individual experiences are not limited to these examples only. Additionally, if an example of your situation is listed, this does not necessarily mean an award will automatically be granted.
Non-Qualifying: Wanting to take additional courses/spend more time on schoolwork, wanting to avoid incurring student debt, wanting to save money for the future and not spend it on current educational costs, wanting to pursue an unpaid internship, wanting to have a baby but getting more money in the bank first, etc.
Potentially Qualifying: Experiencing significant physical or mental health challenges taxing financial resources and/or ability to work, death of a family member or other loss resulting in forfeiture of pre-existing financial support, lack of access to student aid resources due to international student status, etc.
Eligibility: (applicants must meet each of the below criteria to be considered for a scholarship)
- You are a declared School of Family Life major (unofficial transcripts submitted with application)
- You have successfully completed at least one on-campus SFL course at BYU-Provo.
- Meet the Qualifications for Need-Based Scholarships, using example situations as reference
Application Deadlines/Instructions:
- The Need-Based Scholarship will be awarded on a rolling basis, without a set deadline.
- Click on the link to download a fillable PDF of the scholarship application. SFL Need-Based Scholarship
- Once your application is complete, save a copy of the pdf using the save as option before trying to print. Be sure you rename the file.
- Applications must be printed and submitted to the SFL Office (2086 JFSB)